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Hi, it seems to me that one cannot apply a loVel nor a hiVel value to a Sample that's supposed to be in Trigger="release" -Mode. Can anyone confirm this or am I just really bad at scripting mxl files?

my Code looks something like this:

<sample rootNote="60" loNote="60" hiNote="60" loVel="1" hiVel="90" ampVelTrack="0" seqPosition="1" trigger="release" tags="offSound" path="sample_60.wav"/>

<sample rootNote="60" loNote="60" hiNote="60" loVel="1" hiVel="90" ampVelTrack="0" seqPosition="2" trigger="release" tags="offSound" path="sample_60.wav"/>

<sample rootNote="60" loNote="60" hiNote="60" loVel="1" hiVel="90" ampVelTrack="0" seqPosition="3" trigger="release" tags="offSound" path="sample_60.wav"/>

I can control the volume of the off samples with a knob that's binded via the tags="offSound" and I also got a volume knob for the onSound Samples but I hear nothing if i turn the onSound down and the offSound up. Does anyone got am idea how to fix my issue?
ago in Sample Creation by

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