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Hi guys,

Is there anywhere I can get DS templates that come with certain controls that are ready to go without having to do any coding?

I'm not familiar with creating code and I feel like it's a long learning curve if that's the only way to do it, but that is the only possible way then I will try and learn how to do it.

I'm looking for a template that has a low pass filter cut off parameter, a reverb dry/wet control, and an amp envelope. All of which would work, and by that I mean the template would have a working low pass filter, reverb and ADSR envelope, not just on-screen parameters with labels such as 'cutoff', 'reverb on/off etc that dont actually do anything,

If anyone can help or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time guys,

in Using the Sampler by kris amphlett (120 points)

1 Answer

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by bo-bobo (320 points)
My fault- I had not looked at the boilerplate! Thanks
and there is more

take a look here https://github.com/DecentSamples
the decentsampler-schema looks interesting
Awesome thanks for that too