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0 votes

A 'loop_until_release' loop mode of some sort?

For example, I am assembling organ samples which are all looped but with a proper recorded decay after the end of the loop and I can't get the tails of the samples to be played.

I know I could probably do these release tails by adding each samples twice and creating a release version by setting the start of the sound at the loop end and by tweaking the envelopes but this is impractical as there are a few hundred of samples.

Thanks in advance.

in Sample Creation by michel-pecqueur (500 points)
edited by michel-pecqueur

2 Answers

+1 vote
Hi Michel,

Sadly, there isn't a way of doing this yet, but I do see the need. When I've faced this issue myself, I've always gone the route of having a separate release sample that plays on release.

– Dave
by decentsamples (5.9k points)
+1 vote

I've added this as a feature request here: https://www.decentsamples.com/bugtracker/view.php?id=130

by decentsamples (5.9k points)