I emailed Dave directly about this problem but knowing how busy he is, I am reaching out here as well.
I have a 2 layer (2 simultaneous playing sample groups) DS instrument with a menu for each of the sample group layers (A & B) that allows that layer's sample group to be chosen.
I also have a volume control for each "layer" which uses a tag to bind to the layer A groups (AMP_VOLUME) and another volume control that binds with a different tag to the second layer B sample groups. Layers A & B do not share sample groups. This works just fine regardless of which sample groups are chosen with the 2 group selection menus.
However, using the exact same approach to assign two PAN controls using Group PAN and attempting to bind to a tag for each layer's set of sample groups does not work like the binding for AMP_VOLUME.
Can this please be corrected? We would like to use this capability as part of a version 2 release of Prismic.
Rawl (and Stephane)