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I was asked if we could support your format in our product and I just took at look at your boiler plate example. My XML editor immediately noted a duplicate attribute for a labeled-knob - see code below

 <labeled-knob x="725" y="75" width="90" textSize="16" textColor="AA000000"
                trackForegroundColor="CC000000" trackBackgroundColor="66999999"
                label="Reverb" type="percent" minValue="0" maxValue="100"
                textColor="FF000000" value="50">

What's the scoop?

in Sample Creation by

1 Answer

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Probably a small mistake when editing this preset which Decent Sampler parser somehow overlooks. The last instance maybe overrides the first or the last is ignored.
I would try to set the last one to a very different color like red (for example) to understand what Decent Sampler does in this case.
by michel-pecqueur (640 points)