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I've looked at a few .dspreset files, looking for the difference, but I can only play 1 key at a time. If I hit a chord, only 1 note is played. I've looked into the whole polyphony thing, however the other files (which can play chords) have no reference to the polyphony command. Just curious what I'm doing wrong here, and if anyone can help.
in Sample Creation by

1 Answer

0 votes

Chords work just fine for me.
There is a polyphony parameter in decent sampler settings.

Go to File -> Preferences... -> Engine settings (little gears)
There you have "maximum voice"
It should be set to 100 by default.

If this does not work maybe there is something preventing you to strike chords with your midi controller.
Maybe check its configuration.
by michel-pecqueur (640 points)