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Just wondering whether the 'coverArt' attribute actually works? I've included an image in my dspreset file, expecting to see the image in 'My Libraries' after opening and closing the library, but all I get is a list of the instruments in my directory - but there are images in the 'Sample Store' tab. Have I missed something? I used the bgimage just as a test and this image does appear in my instrument, so I know it's valid

My code snippet is this:
  <ui coverArt="Samples/Background.jpg" bgImage="Samples/Background.jpg" width="812" height="375" layoutMode="relative"

Thanks for any comments/help
in Using the Sampler by

1 Answer

0 votes
may be the coverArt picture should match the coverart extensions, so make a square picture.

and another for the gui background

after some testing i end with the notion that the coverart is a remnant of the abandoned my library tab.
by bo-bobo (320 points)
edited by bo-bobo