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Im using an orchestral sample for a track im creating on garageband. Moving midi and doing other things like going to the piano roll to record the midi causes the audio of the sample to stop working. I took a closer look and saw that the cutoff filter was set to zero and each time i reset it back to normal it will just go back to zero again, causing the audio to drop again. Im not sure how to fix it, can anyone help?
in Using the Sampler by

1 Answer

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Here is a thing you can check :

Is the filter cutoff pre-linked to a control change (CC)?
For example CC-1 (Modulation Wheel)
(right click on the knob in Decent Sampler UI)

If this is the case, this means your DAW (and/or midi keyboard as well if you use one) must be sending a value to this CC.
You could check if the CC value is recorded in your playing/midi clips and fix that. I don't use Garage Band but most DAWs have a panel to visualize and edit CC values along the notes in the piano roll window. The related CC might be set to the lowest value, set it to the maximum to release the filter.
You may have to check all your clips for this.
by michel-pecqueur (640 points)