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0 votes

I have close and far mics for most of my samples. I'm not sure if it's possible to have round robins randoms that play the same sample with different mics.

For example, say I have sample-close-1... 4 and sample-far-1...4

The way I understand the algorithm, it will play a random sample from close, and a random sample from far. That is an issue if you blend mic positions.

I hope that makes sense.

UPDATED to clarify I meant random not round robin. I think @decent Samples understood though.

in Sample Creation by jon (160 points)
retagged by jon

2 Answers

+1 vote
Hmm. That's a good point! I will have to do some tests on Monday to figure out a solution for you.
by decentsamples (5.9k points)
I know this is old, but did you ever find a solution?
Hi Jon. No, I unfortunately don't have a solution yet. I've just filed a feature request for it here: https://www.decentsamples.com/bugtracker/view.php?id=11
+1 vote

If seq mode is "round robin" then it'll play them in the same order, isn't it?
by Orestes Gas (860 points)
I meant random, so I updated the question.