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+1 vote

The following controls allow you to control the background colour: rotaryrotary_horizontal_dragrotary_horizontal_vertical_dragrotary_vertical_drag

The following controls do not allow you to control the background colour: linear_barlinear_bar_verticallinear_horizontallinear_vertical

(The colour is transparent, and cannot be changed, even though there is a parameter for it: trackBackgroundColor= (it is ignored, btw)

Could this be implemented, please?

in Using the Sampler by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I noticed this problem too, and also others.

I didn't test every knob style thoroughly but these are the different problems I encountered with the 'linear_vertical' style :
- The fonts don't scale with the UI as they do with the default style 'rotary_vertical'.
- If there is no room to display the full label, a shortened name (given with "parameterName") is supposed to be displayed instead but this does not seem to work with 'linear_vertical'.

The style 'linear_bar_vertical' also does not seem to scale properly with the UI compared to the default knob style.
This is noticeable with the 'Cassette Tape Organ' instruments available for free at PianoBook/DecentSamples for example.


by michel-pecqueur (500 points)