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The new Menu Selection seems to default to the highest number (the last (lowest) option in the pop-up menu). Is there any way of making it default to either the first number (the first (highest) option in the pop-up menu), or a pre-defined number, or (best but probably impracticable) the same number as the last time the preset was used...

See my own answer below!
closed with the note: Answered my own question!
in Using the Sampler by (1.3k points)
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1 Answer

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<Hangs head in shame...>

Yes, I admit it. There's an easy answer to the first (and practical) part of this question:

Just set the 


parameter to the index (starts at 1) to the option in the menu that you want for the default. So value="1" would default to the top option in the drop-down menu...

 Obvious, really!

by (1.3k points)